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Sunday 26 February 2012


Apakah itu kes buli? Kes buli membawa maksud masalah yang meliputi kegiatan seperti memeras ugut, menghina, mengejek, menumbuk, memaki dan sebagainya yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap pemangsanya. Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa dewasa ini, kes buli yang berlaku di sekolah semakin berleluasa dan menjadi- jadi. Hal ini telah mencapai satu tahap yang amat merimaskan dan membimbangkan pelbagai pihak seperti pihak sekolah, ibu bapa, kerajaan, masyarakat dan lain-lain lagi.

Menurut kajian, kes buli ini menjadi semakin meningkat pada setiap tahundalam kalangan pelajar dan semakin serius masalahnya.“Jika tidak kerana angin masakan pokok bergoyang".Oleh itu, setiap masalah yang berlaku tentu mempunyai puncanya. Terdapat beberapa punca yang telah dikenal pasti sebagai penyumbang kepada masalah kes buli ini.

Antaranya ialah kekurangan penghayatan nilai-nilai agama yang ada pada pelajar yang sanggup melibatkan dirinya dalam kes buli. Mereka sanggup berbuatdemikian hanya untuk mendapatkan perhatian orang lain dan menunjukkankekuatannya kepada orang lain. Ringkasnya, mereka semakin ketandusan nilaikemanusiaan dalam diri mereka sendiri.

Selain itu, ibu bapa yang kurang memberikan belaian kasih sayang dan prihatin kapada anak juga menjadi antara puncanya kes buli ini berlaku. Ibu bapayang selalu sibuk mencari duit dan bersikap materialistik telah mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka terhadap anak mereka.

Di samping itu, para pelajar yang masih berumur setahun jagung dan berdarah setampuk pinang 
ini mudah terpengaruh dengan tindakan rakan sebayanya. Jikakawan-kawannya merupakan pembuli, pelajar tersebut juga akan terikut-ikut perbuatan kawannya supaya dapat diterima oleh ahli-ahli kumpulannya. Pengawasanyang longgar di sekolah juga menjadi puncanya kerana telah memberi peluang kepada pelajar yang ingin menjalankan pembulian mereka terhadap pelajar lain.

 Natijahnya, selagi masalah ini masih berleluasa, impian negara kita yang inginmelahirkan satu bangsa yang bermartabat mulia dan berdaya maju akan tinggalsebagai khayalan sahaja. Hasrat negara kita yang ingin mencapai Wawasan 2020 jugaakan tinggal sebagai angan-angan Mat Jenin semata-matanya. Hal ini kerana para pelajar merupakan aset negara yang penting dan akan menerajui negara ini pada masadepan. Bak kata peribahasa Melayu‘pemuda harapan bangsa, pemudi tiang negara’ .Oleh itu, semua pihak haruslah sehilir semudik dan sehati sejiwa dalam usahamenangani masalah kes buli ini walaupun kita terpaksa mengharungi liku-liku yang penuh dengan onak duri ini. Semoga berkat daya usaha yang gigih, kita dapatmelahirkan generasi muda yang dapat menjulang nama negara dan mengangkat martabat bangsa dipersada dunia.

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Saturday 18 February 2012


Best friends forever?  

Each person from this earth have some friends in life. But, have we wondered, whenever we was with our friends, while we were laughing with, whether she will remain beside us when we are sad, crying, moaning, take care of us while confined to a hospital with leg cementitious or he will continue to leave us and look for other friends?  

That is what is called best friend forever? If so, searching for best friend forever is not very difficult. But, the problem is a good friend is one who faithfully beside us when difficulty or easy.  

Think carefully now . Whether our friends now is our good friend forever? Before that consider first whether we were the good friends forever for our friends now ? Will we always be beside he while difficulty or easy?

Ask yourself . . 

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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Valentine's Day ?

Assalamualaikum and hi to all readers ,

What is worrying is the recent celebration of the Valentine's Day was celebrated with a variety of immoral response as reported by the media, many couples who spend the evening festivities with around in couples and mingle freely and partly festival ends with sex.

The practice of celebrating Valentine's Day is banned by Islam because of the festival will contain elements of ritual and religious beliefs of Christianity and practices mixed with evil.

Origins of Valentine's Day:
Valentine's Day began in the reign of the Roman empire to set February 14 as a holiday for Juno, queen of the gods and goddesses of Rome. The next day, on February 15 start of the Lupercalia festival of traditional festivals of Roman society. On the night of the festival, the names of Roman girls written on paper and inserted into the container. Each young man would draw a name in the container and the name selected will be the spouse during the festival period.

As a conclusion, the practice of celebrating Valentine's Day is banned by Islam because of the festival will contain elements of Christian belief. In Islam, efforts to foster affection need not be done only on that day only because love is a prolonged process and continue until the end of life.

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Thursday 9 February 2012

Cyber Bullying -

Assalamualaikum and hello to readers ,
I want to share with you a story about Cyber Bullying. I get this information through 

What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber Bullying is verbal harassment that occurs during online activities. Cyber Bullying can take many forms.  These are a few:
· A threatening e-mail
· Nasty instant messaging session
· Repeated notes sent to the cell phone
· A website set up to mock others
· “Borrowing” someone’s screen name and pretending to be them while posting a message.
· Forwarding supposedly private messages, pictures, or video to others
The i-SAFE America research team has discovered a disturbing trend—cyber bullying has affected more than half the students surveyed, on both sides of the issue. Their latest assessments surveyed more than 1500 students ranging from fourth to eighth grade across the country.   They found out:
· 58% of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online
· 53% of kids admit having said something mean or hurtful things to another online
· 42% of kids have been bullied while online
The tradition of home as a refuge from bullies on the school playground is over. The Internet is the new playground, and there are no off hours. The popularity of instant messaging, e-mail, webpages, and blogging means kids are a target 24 hours per day, seven days a week. Even worse, i-SAFE found out 58 percent of kids have not told their parents or any adult about something mean or hurtful that had happened to them online.Teachers and school officials need to be aware of the rising trend of cyber bullying as incidents online are brought onto school grounds. i-SAFE offers these tips to share with students who are being cyber bullied:
· Tell a trusted adult and keep telling them until they take action.
· Never open, read or respond to messages from cyber bullies.
· If it is school related, tell your school. All schools have bullying solutions.
· Do not erase the messages. They may be needed to take action.
· If bullied through chat or IM, the bully can often be blocked.
· If you are threatened with harm, call the police.

Above all, students are the cure to the cyber bullying epidemic. By speaking out and telling adults they can stop bullying online and make the Internet experience a more positive one.

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Friday 3 February 2012

My Dilemma !

" In this information age , you only need to type at the Google's Search box what kind of information you need and let the search engines find it for you . "

I would be happy to use this dialogue in my real talk of life but I don't know when it  the suitable time for me to use this dialogue . Can somebody help me about this issue ? I would be glad if anyone willing to help me .

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